Empowering You to Live in Harmony with Your Values and Aspirations
Rashieda holds a PhD in Environmental Science, is as a Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAPASA), Registered Professional Natural Scientist: Environmental Science (SACNASP) and holds multiple holistic healing and personal development certifications.
She has over 20 years of experience in three environmental domains: private, government and research. She has worked across South Africa as a lead Environmental Impact Assessment Practitioner, and has several years of experience in managing large international teams. As a practitioner in the local government and private sectors, her roles included facilitating sustainable development and planning, biodiversity conservation planning, environmental project management, strategic and project environmental impact assessments, environmental management, and monitoring.
We Combine Environmental Expertise and Technical Excellence to Deliver Projects on Time and Within Budget
EnviroHeart has proven experience in delivering environmental compliance and management services for a variety of developments including agriculture, commercial, industrial and mix-used developments and linear service infrastructure , such as powerlines, pipelines and roads.